Squid Game is a South Korean series broadcast by Netflix since the month of 2021. It stars, among several other actors, Park Hae-soo, Jung Ho-yeon, Lee Jung-jaeThe synopsis is reminiscent of The Hunger Games or the Japanese film Kamisama no iutōriThe series revolves around a survival competition in which 456 individuals will participate in the hope of putting an end to their financial difficulties. Its deadly and thrilling twists have earned it a place in the top 10 most viewed works on the streaming platform.

It is no wonder then that theories about the sequel and the end of Squid Game are invading social networks. A new Tiktok video suggesting a foreshadowing of this ending in Episode 5 has precisely gotten a lot of views. 

Over 13.5 million views

As with other TV series, there's a good chance that details in the first few episodes make it possible to imagine the sequel to Squid Game. And when you watch this Tiktok video which has more than 13.5 million views, you can easily be convinced.

The sequence focuses on episode 5 during which the challengers divide into groups each made up of 10 members. Only 10 minutes are given to them for that and the negotiations are rather tense.

The participants do not know what game they are going to play. And it's only after the time limit has expired that they discover that they will have to face each other in tug of war. Or rather in its lethal version.

Not the same rules for player 001

First loved for his fragility, he is ultimately hated when we learn that he is the host of the games and who therefore orchestrated everything. However, according to the viral video mentioned above, episode 5 had already given us a precious clue about his true identity.

Indeed, in episode 5, the members of each group are tied to each other using handcuffs. This is then padlocked. Some viewers, however, assure that there is no padlock on the handcuffs of player 001. In other words, in the event of a problem, he could have detached them and run away, escaping death at the same time.

However, this theory has not been confirmed by the showrunner of the series and it should therefore be taken with caution.