Sword Art Online

Sword Art Online: Progressive – Scherzo of a Deep Night is currently airing in theaters in Japan . This second film that continues the first is based on the Sword Art Online: Progressive light novels, which are just spin-offs of the original plot of the manga and anime series.

So far, the film has raised more than four million dollars in Japan alone with just over 350,000 tickets sold in all theaters, which at the moment means that it is on a good path at the moment.

A new Sword Art Online movie is on the way

Now, an announcement has been posted on the official website of Sword Art Online stating that the Sword Art Online franchise will have a new movie that will tell us a totally new and most importantly original story. The detail that it is 100% original means that the film will not be an adaptation of the official manga, but that they will create a new story specifically for this film.

So far nothing else has been confirmed about the new film , not even the current state of its production or other details that could be interesting. We will have to wait until we receive more press releases to give us more details about this new feature film that many fans of the franchise are sure to look forward to.